The Children's Ministry
We aim to provide basic,emotional, physical and Phsychosocial support to individuals and familes.
Kica Transforms Ministry (KTM) under the children sponsorship program now has 89 children from Child headed and vulnerable families, in Uganda, with 36 in Kitgum, 40 from Pader, 7 from Gulu, and 6 from Kiryadongo Districs. Out of the 89 children, 57 have regular sponsors. We appreciate and thank the Almighty God who has brought us through the year, 2019. We also thank God for generally keeping the children and mentors well and healthy by His amazing grace despite every trials and tests that the individuals went through. We thank God for the good work he is doing to continue transforming the lives of the children. There is been a lot of transformation even in this one past year. This we could not do without your support. Thank you so much for the support. We really would like to appreciate you for the support you have given to these children; it has brought real transformation in their lives.
Education Support
Six boys graduated with a Certificate in Carpentry and Joinery, and four girls graduated in Tailoring and Designing, from a Vocation school. The boys were given Tools Kit and the girls given Sowing Machines and start up kits.
In addition to the tuition paid for all the children, the ministry was able to provide scholastic materials books, pens, pencils, school bags, uniforms, shoes as well as well as other school functional fees.
Basic care and Physical support
One of the girls said, “I don’t know where l and my sibling would be today, l had lost hope in life, l wanted to terminate my life because l was tired of seeing us suffering, starving, but now l have hope, l see light in my tunnel above all, l have found a lover in Jesus Christ, who loves me unconditionally. Not only that, l have new parents (donor/sponsors), who love and provide for us, and have, lead us to a Father of the Fatherless. We now take all meals, which had stopped with the death of our parents. We even go to school with shoes and all requirements” she breaks down in tears.
Kenneth, the older boy had this to say, “I never thought I would be like this, I have a mattress, food, fees paid for, I am doing carpentry and now we even have a new house to stay in.” God indeed is a Father.
Psychosocial Support
The nature children supported under the ministry is such that they are traumatized, full of anger and bitterness because of their poverty situation, child headed, HIV plight, self-pity. Many of them require continuous psychosocial support, counselling and guidance.
Monthly Center days are conducted in all the Ministry centers where children are taught life skills, the Word of God, character development in addition to the routine psychosocial support. During center days, the children also get to have meals together, play and interact with others a therapeutic approach for trauma and source of healing. Specially trained child mentors conduct visits to children at home and in school to monitor their wellbeing and academic progress by talking to class teachers. Altogether, the ministry has 10 mentors and 1 professional counsellor.
On a special note; all the centers had a Christmas party; they had a wonderful time celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. The children had powerful Praises and worship, games, funs, dance and music, cutting cakes, delicious meals and drinks; they were all very smart in their new clothes provided by ministry partners. The children also received food and basic need for Christmas; they went home with smiles on their faces. The children and mentors got gifts and they are very grateful for it.
Medical care
The children with illnesses get to receive medical attention as and when they require it. The common illnesses have always been malaria, typhoid, cough and flue. There is a case of sickle cells in Kitgum, which has been routinely managed. The children’s health especially toward the last quarter of this year has been fair with few cases of sickness reported; few children were admitted in the hospital.