Kica Transforms Ministry is a non profit organisation with the aim of changing dysfunctional societies where the children are abused, illiterate, poor health and leaders who are conflicted and ignorant to know God, resolve conflict, increased Christian influence in the society, improved livelihood, improved standard of living and enhance literacy.
Part of the physical care we offer is distribution of school shoes, bags and all other scholastic materials for the children to study with ease.
Kica transforms Ministry(KTM) was founded in 2015 by Reverend Nelson Okello. The Work of KTM began under Mercy Dominion Ministry Limited by guarantee a non- profit based in Kampala, Uganda. Due to the success of the empowering society for transformation through holistic child development and leadership development, and a reorganisation of Mercy Dominion Ministry Limited. Mrs Jessica Okello and Rev Nelson Okello decided to expand their work of reduction of Poverty, illiterate, poor health, child abused children, conflicted and poor leadership under Kica Transforms Ministry.