The Late Pr. Nelson Okello

Our Founding Executive Director

Kica Transforms Ministry was established by Pastor Nelson Okello in response to the great need and vulnerability of communities in Northern Uganda . After leaving ALARM Uganda where he had served as country Director for over 10years, his  term of office had come to an end yet the need on the ground was still great. There were many unreached vulnerable children especially orphans and those in child headed households. With the goal of transforming communities by reflecting the mercy of God, Mercy Dominon ministries was birthed. However upon registration it was found to be a name already in use and so Pastor Nelson and a small team opted to translate the name into Luo and thus Kica Transforms Ministry was born. Having been a seasoned Peacebuilding and leadership coach and mentor for many years while at ALARM, this aspect was integrated into Kica Transforms with the belief that community problems are sometimes a reflection of poor leadership skills.

This is especially because the targeted area ( Northern Uganda ) is a post conflict area that recently emerged from war and still suffers the effect of war on its population. Some of these effects are social for example trauma arising from previous war experiences, economic which includes lack of livelihood sources, high poverty rates coupled with low education enrollment, high school drop outs, health related issues such as high teenage pregnancy rate, high HIV rates, limited access to clean  water and sanitation.

With all these community challenges in Northern Uganda, it was eminent that an entity is formed to respond to the needs on the ground and thus the birth of Kica transforms Minsitry in 2015 with the vision of Transforming Societies for Development.

KTM kickstarted work with reaching out to atleast 13 child headed families with food support and basic education support. Leadership training were also conducted with the church as the entry point. This has since grown into a robust program serving over 100 orphans, training religious, civic and other community leaders, reaching out to refugees with peacebuilding messages, skilling of youth and women economic empowerment interventions.


Our Recent work.

Our Promise & Values

We aim to provide trauma healing training especially in camps and host communities so the leaders and their communities can be healed from traumatic events of war, disaster etc.

Latest Updates
  • Refugee Support 
  • Vocational School Building Construction 
  • Staff Visits 
  • Mentorship Training
Connect With Us

+256 772 491267

+256 702491267 / +256 782823919

Plot 247 Sempagala Zone

Ntinda Kisaasi Road, Kampala

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